Freitag, 25. April 2014

pink and blue

 Feels like I'm constantly making little jersey beannies for all newborns and there big brothers and sisters.

PINK AND BLUE was also our weddingmotto in 2011! A memory blogpost of our wedding will follow soon!

Samstag, 12. April 2014


doilys everywhere

1. some cute new agaves 
2. another customized wedding bouquet in the making
3. new doilys received from ebay
4. my beautiful new vintage tea set (my friend gave to me from her parents in law's moving)

Freitag, 4. April 2014

ring wedding bouqet #1

 Finished a new customized order!  
The bride asked for a smaller bouqet,which can be used by the little flower girl to bring the rings to the altar!

On the last picture you can see how I usually start a customized order: This is the picture I've send to the bride to make sure I understand her idea correct! She liked it and after that she placed the order in my dawanda shop!