Donnerstag, 9. Januar 2014

tapestry crochet #2

1. making pages for a little crochet book
2. design for a new project! can you guess what it will be?

Oh, I love tapestry crochet
thanks again to litttle woolie for her perfect tutorial!!!

Sonntag, 5. Januar 2014

tapestry crochet

The first crochet goal for 2014 I implemented, is to try tapestry crochet! Thanks to Little Woollie for her fabolous tutorial! I love her harlequin and spotted  pattern, they are perfect for covers for the toddler chairs our daughter got for christmas. I'm not hundred percent happy with the results, it's not worked really propper and clean, but it's getting better...practice, practice, practice....

Donnerstag, 2. Januar 2014

random grannys
2.crochet food
3.trying baby hats
4.nice light in our livingroom
5. kitchen with crochet food